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Venera Technologies to demonstrate its latest enhancements in Audio/Video QC and Caption QC/correction at NAB 2024

Major enhancements for its 类星体® cloud native A/V QC, CapMate® cloud native caption/subtitle QC and 脉冲星™ on-premise A/V QC will be in display at NAB 2024

Venera Technologies is proud to announce a new product launch as well as a long list of enhancements and new features for its A/V and Caption solutions for NAB 2024 (April 14-17 – Las Vegas, 美国).

Venera will introduce and demonstrate QCtudio™, its new innovative cloud native solution, that unleashes the power of rich review & collaboration on QC reports and as the ultimate companion to 类星体®, 金星的号探测器 cloud native A/V QC solution. With QCtudio the QC operators can not only review the detailed Quasar reports on a video timeline, 但是他们可以验证, categorize and annotate each of the found issues, making the QC reports a more valuable and useful document. Multiple team members can then collaborate on the same project to agree on the final reviews. 通过QCtudio, the operators can also export the list of issues (and the annotations) in formats compatible with NLE solutions, 从达芬奇的决心开始.

两者的突破性特性 类星体® 和它的内部对应, 脉冲星™, will be demonstrated at the show that further solidify their value for the QC operators:

  • 支持杜比全景声
    • Expanding HDR support with inclusion of HLG (in addition to existing support for Dolby Vision, HDR 10, HDR 10+
    • Expanding alert categories to include ‘Critical, Error, Warning, and Info’

Venera will also demonstrate a long list of enhancements for CapMate™, its cloud native caption/subtitle verification and correction solution:

  • Support for English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Portuguese languages
    • Caption Translation into multiple languages
    • Crosscheck of audio/caption language
    • Burnt-in text detection for oriental languages
    • Collaboration and project sharing amongst CapMate users within the same entity

“We at Venera Technologies are proud to continue blazing a trail in providing state of the art QC capabilities and addressing thorny QC issues, as requested by our customers and the media industry, 提高他们的快速能力, accurate and efficient QC of their content.Venera首席执行官维卡斯•辛格尔(Vikas Singhal)表示.

Venera will also be participating in a SMPTE/IMF UG sponsored panel discussion about Mastering QC Efficiency – Leveraging IMF to Prevent Repeated Failures, where they will talk about the benefits of use of QCtudio in inclusion of the annotated QC report within an IMF package.

You may contact Venera Technologies at sales@veneratech.com,或浏览 金星的NAB 2024页面 to arrange for a meeting at NAB, or request a free trial. You can also visit them at West Hall, #W1858.

关于Venera Technologies
Venera Technologies provides cutting-edge file-based QC solutions to the digital media industry, tailored to the evolving requirements of its customer and the industry.

金星的号探测器 类星体® the first native cloud-based QC solution, was developed natively for the Cloud environment with features such as dynamic scalability and usage-based pricing model, along with advanced QC functionalities. 金星的号探测器 脉冲星™ automated file-based QC solution is for on-premise deployment, with the same QC functionalities as Quasar.

CapMate®, the native cloud Caption/Subtitle verification and correction solution, is the first comprehensive solution for verifying caption or subtitle side car files that can accurately and quickly detect (and correct) and report on complex issues such as caption sync and Standards compliance.

金星的号探测器 suite of QC solutions is used by some of the largest Media companies in the world, as well as a number of smaller boutique post houses and production companies. www.veneratech.com